Build an easy to use online coding tool to learn, practice, share and test HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. This tool is similar to Google Docs editor, but instead with a focus on coding/programming.
Audience/Target users:
- School Teachers
- Students (School and University)
- Web design and development professionals
- Most web apps require “login” to even try to write a code
- A complicated sign-up/registration/validation process may be required
- To test HTML, CSS and JavaScript code locally, you have to click “refresh” in the browser every time
- Will have to email the HTML, CSS or JavaScript code in order to download and continue to use it later
- To share the test code with peers, the only way to do it is to “check-in” the test code or email it, which is very cumbersome. It is also not a secure way.
- While there may be some online coding tools to write and test HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code, most don’t “feel” like a proper IDE (Integrated Development Environment) as they don’t have common features like “code-hinting”, etc.
- The only way to test “responsive” design in a local environment is to use the built-in browser features like “Developer Tools” which is quite “intimidating” for beginners.
- Users would like to have the choice to keep their work either private or public.
- A collaboration feature is almost non-existent in similar freemium online coding tools, where the teachers can share/help students with their work, in real-time. This feature is also not possible while teaching coding in local computer/systems.
- Users have to switch between the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files every time, instead of able to see all 3 codes at the same time.
Design/Process Strategy
1:1 Interviews directly with users:
- I interviewed several teachers, and a few students and web designers to understand what are their goals over a period of 4-5 weeks.
- The interview duration ranged from 30 mins to 45 mins.
Focus groups:
- I conducted focus groups with teachers and a few students to understand their “feelings” and “expectations” for building an online coding tool.
- These sessions typically were 1.5 to 2 hours long.
- Audience size for a session: 4 to 6 users (from the same school district/college)
- I sent out a few surveys to several web designers from different online communities (Linkedin, Github, StackOverflow, Behance, University professors).
- Quite a few users responded back. Google Forms were used for these surveys.
Research Analysis
- Users want a “no-login” coding tool where they can practice learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Users can save their code/work in the cloud so that they can access it later from home or school/office.
- Users can view their saved work in both a “tile” and “list” layout. “List” is easier to search while “Tile” is easier to get a preview of the work.
- Users would like to have an auto-complete/code-hinting feature to learn about various attribute/command options in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Users would like to “clean” and “auto-format” their code for easier maintenance.
- Users would like to “share” their work with their peers, and social platforms.
- Users would like to “download” their work and send it via email.
- Users would like to add CSS and JavaScript libraries to leverage various design and interaction features.
- Users would like to have a “collaboration” feature where the teacher can share/demo work with students in real-time.
User Persona
Based on the background of the users I came across the following two Personas.
1. Katy Gates, a school teacher who also has an interest in designing websites
2. Phil Adams, a mathematician who also loves teaching web development and programming
Design & Prototype
User Flow
Site Map
Editor page – Basic Concept and First pencil sketch
Editor page – Final
Dashboard page – First Sketch / Wireframe
Dashboard page – Final
User Registration Page
Login Page
Error handling for form elements
Multiple Layouts
- Users wanted multiple types of layouts
- Some layouts focus more on designers (HTML, CSS, and Preview panels), while others focus more on engineers (JavaScript, and Preview panels)
- The layouts can be changed by the users in real-time (dynamically)
The following layout is easier when users are testing the “responsive” design (especially in landscape mode) of the page/code.
The following layout is easier when users are testing the “responsive” design (especially in portrait mode) of the page/code. It is also a preferred layout for a multi-monitor setup.
Top bar (Primary navigation)
Based on the User Research data and analysis, the top-bar has the “most important” and “most popular” navigation elements
- Tools menu – Users can select options
- Library menu – Users can select an external CSS or JavaScript library
- Tidy All – Users can auto-format code (HTML, CSS and JavaScript)
- Download – Users can download code in .ZIP format
- Team Up – Users can collaborate (and perform code pairing) with other users in real-time
- Save – Users can save the code in the cloud
- HTML – Users can select various attributes
- CSS- Users can choose from properties and values. Based on the user’s “usage”, some properties may also provide examples for some values
- JavaScript – Users can choose from several JavaScript keywords and preset/built-in functions. It is also context-sensitive and the context menu changes content based on user’s JavaScript code
Team- Up
This is a collaboration feature where users can perform “code pairing” and modify/edit code remotely.
- Multiple users can connect to the same session
- There will be a single/same URL for the same session. Any user can join the session from the same URL
- Users can see each other cursor movement
- Users are given a default name by default, which they can change later
Test & Re-analyze
After the web app was launched, I conducted User Research directly with teachers at various educational institutes.
- Surveys – Several surveys were sent to users through Linkedin, StackOverflow, and other social platforms.
- Usability Testing was conducted remotely at several educational institutes.
Usability Testing
- Some of the sessions were moderated.
- Users (some students and some teachers) were given a set of tasks to be completed.
- The whole session was being streamed live and recorded.
Some photos of students/teachers using
Measure / Re-analyze / Research Analytics
Final Product URL:
- Google Analytics data was reviewed over a period of 90 days
- User behavior was studied (some examples below):
- Active users
- Lifetime value
- Cohort analysis / retention value
- Platform
- Technology
- User flows
- Demographics
Product Reviews
Liveweave has been mentioned on various websites and top online web design magazines. Here are some of the links: